lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

I'm back again! Now you are going to read about an animal called Dumbo Octopus, and it may remembers you to your favourite character from your childhood; DUMBO! That big elefant with those huge ears.

                         DUMBO OCTOPUS

  A Dumbo octopus is a  sea octopus which some of them have been found in the Gulf of Mexico. Due to its ear-like fins, it is known as the dumbo octopus because of its similaritys with a famous movie elephant, as I said before. There are 17 known species of Dumbo octopus that belong to a group called umbrella octopus, 

They are able to float with an umbrella. They are found in deep waters all over the world. They live on the sea floor with depths of up to 13,000 feet , that may be 4000 meters.


They have a U or V shaped shell in their mantle which gives them a bell shaped appearance.
Some species are short, squat and yellow, while others resemble a jellyfish with one big brown walking shoe.

These features could be larger ears or different colours. As these animals live at the bottom of the sea they have a very small food supply. Prey include crustaceans, bivalves,etc. 
The average life is 3 to 5 years, it depends on the quality of life.

You can watch at the left side the character I have
mentioned before.
Dumbo, Do you remember?
 Here you have a link, its a short Trailer about Dumbo.

Hey guys again! How are you? Today we are going to talk about marine vaquitas. I hope you enjoy it ;)

                                                        MARINE VAQUITAS

The famous marine "vaquita" is the smallest and the strangest cetacean, including whales, dolphins... Currently there are just 97 vaquitas in all over the world, so we may say they are in danger of extinction.
So it's confirmed that these animals usually get caught on fisher nets.
They are quite shy creatures,so it's very difficult to see one in the sea. If you have seen one, you are a lucky person!

Vaquitas have a grey body with a belly grey or white pale, it depends. They have a dark spot around one of their eyes. They hardly ever can be seen in nature.

Related to food, they eat sea fishes such as weak fishes and squids.

And related to their habitat they live in an area very restricted compared to another marine cetacean.

They only live in the north of the Californian gulf, and in Mexico. In not too deep water, at the most 30 metres of depth, so tehy don't migrate anywhere far, so they convert into an endemic specie of that mexican area. 

The goberment announced that place as a biosphere caution in 1993, so that they could protect marine vaquitas.

First of all I would like to talk about an animal that I really like because it's quite eccentric and it reminds me of the pokemon called Wooper. Actually he is based on Ajolotes.


Let's talk about them. First we will talk about what it is;

*An ajolote is an amphibian species which is becoming extinct.
His habitat is only the water, as we know, they breathe like common fishes.These animals spend their whole live submerged in tributaries.
Ajolotes from different colours can be noted in the sea. Such as white, black, brown... It depends on their pigmentation. They can also be albins, I mean, without pigmentation.

One of the most curious things about ajolotes is their ability of regeneration. Everybody knows that salamanders can have their body regenerated, but not all, such as limps or the tail, but in this case, they can regenerate all their body! Like the lung, kidney and a wide range of different organs.
They have a cartilaginous skeleton which is always the same even at an old age.

Here you can see the similarity between these two pictures below.  From my point of view they are quite similar. In case you disagree with me, you can post a comment below.

Ajolotes from different colors can be seen at the top 

Here if you click you would watch an ajolote moving in the water so that you can see they are real!